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Python Route Summarisation

There used to be a great little website for route summarisation and it did it far more intelligently than Cisco kit does it. It looks like the site has dropped off the internet which is a shame but there is a handy python library called netaddr with has the same capabilities.

I have written a little wrapper for it which will regex the prefixes out of a ‘show ip bgp’ and then list the summary routes. You pass the output of ‘show ip bgp’ as a text file, it’s the only argument the script expects.

from netaddr import IPNetwork, cidr_merge
import re, sys
filename = sys.argv[1]
print("Please specify a file name for input")

with open (filename, "r") as file:
table ='\n', '')
prefixes = re.findall("(?:\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}\/\d+", table)
prefix_list = []
for each in prefixes:
summary_list = cidr_merge(prefix_list)
print('Number of prefixes ', len(prefix_list))
print('Number in summary ', len(summary_list))
print('Summary list:')
for each in summary_list:

You’ll need to install netaddr – the easiest way is probably ‘pip install netaddr’