January 27, 2021 | Networks
You have probably been directed here because you sent me an email with data volumes quoted in GB/MB/B or Gb/Mb/b inconsistently. Don’t worry, it happens all the time; so often in fact that I wrote this blog post to explain why the difference is important. Network people measure traffic (or bandwidth) in terms of bits […]
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Tags: avaya, bandwidth, bits, bytes, data, h.323, network, networks, VoIP
August 29, 2019 | Networks, Security
I have been looking a lot recently at Avaya H.323 handsets and how they register with Avaya session manager servers. I had hoped at the start of the project that there would be some good quality documentation available to detail the process and specifically how to get it to work through a firewall. The environment […]
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Tags: avaya, firewall, h.323